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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Adam's River Salmon Run 2010 Trip and photo's taken along the way. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Adam's River Salmon Run 2010 Trip and photo's taken along the way.

This year will go down in the record book for the most salmon to ever return to Adam's River. The big run happens every four years. 15 million will return to the Fraser River and Thompson River to make their journey to the rivers they were hatched in four years ago. The Adam's River is the ultimate destination as many as 4 million will enter and go to to the creeks where they were born. The Major run happens this year and the next major on 2014. The best place to view the run is at the Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park In October for about three weeks. This is located between Adams Lake and the Shuswap Lake. For more information google "Adams River Salmon Society" When we were there we had the privilege to talk to the photographers who were doing a documentary on the salmon run for the Discovery Chanel. It will be out in 2013. During our trip we were able to take many photos of the salmon run and also the landscape as the fall colors there still there. This gallery will have a mix of both...
Make sure you take a look at Rick Bricker's photo's of the Adam's River Salmon Run.. He has some great shots on here..
Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park on the Adam's river
Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park on the Adam's river
Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park on the Adam's River  Viewing Platform
Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park on the Adam's River Viewing Platform
'Information about the Sockeye
'Information about the Sockeye"
Path along the Adams River
"Path along the Adams River"
Veiwing Area along the Adams
"Veiwing Area along the Adams"
Young and Old
"Young and Old"
Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park on the Adam's river
Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park on the Adam's river
Down the Adams River
"Down the Adams River"
Stacking Up
"Stacking Up"
The Adam's River
"The Adam's River"
View of a Lifetime
"View of a Lifetime"
_MG_0657 copy copysmall.jpg
_MG_0657 copy copysmall.jpg
The Cycle of Life
"The Cycle of Life"
Salmon Spawning at the Adam's River
Salmon Spawning at the Adam's River
Salmon Spawning at the Adam's River Two
Salmon Spawning at the Adam's River "Two"
Two Young Ones
"Two Young Ones"
Feeder Streams along Adam's River
"Feeder Streams" along Adam's River
New Breed of Sockeye
New Breed of Sockeye
Just beautiful there, quiet and the solitude...
"Just beautiful there, quiet and the solitude..."
Taking the Final Journey
"Taking the Final Journey"
Feeder Streams
"Feeder Streams"
Two Male Sockeyes
"Two Male Sockeyes"
Such a Waste
"Such a Waste"
The Start of the Adams River
"The Start of the Adams River"
The Quick and the Dead
"The Quick and the Dead"
Piling of the Dead Sockeye
"Piling of the Dead Sockeye"
Mouth of the River
"Mouth of the River"
Baked Sockeye Salmon
"Baked Sockeye Salmon"
Mountain Meadows
"Mountain Meadows"
The Totem Pole
"The Totem Pole"
In the Upper Meadows
"In the Upper Meadows"
CN Train
CN Train
CN Train Two
CN Train Two
Along the Yellowhead
"Along the Yellowhead"
Pyramid Mountain
Pyramid Mountain
The Upper Meadows Two
"The Upper Meadows Two"
The Farmstead  the shack
"The Farmstead" the shack
Paul Lake near Kamloops
Paul Lake near Kamloops
Paul Lake Two
Paul Lake Two
My Photographer Friend Rick Bricker
My Photographer Friend "Rick Bricker"
Old Home Taken Across From the Pendryl Store..Alberta
Old Home Taken Across From the Pendryl Store..Alberta
Pyramid Mountain in Jasper
"Pyramid Mountain in Jasper"
Living High
"Living High"
Sunrise on the Meadows
Sunrise on the Meadows