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Phil Douglis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery Ninety: 101 ways to interpret Bolivia > Rhythms of the street, Sucre, Bolivia, 2014
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Rhythms of the street, Sucre, Bolivia, 2014

Both the figures on the sidewalk and the cars on this street become smaller as they recede into the distance. They move apace, rhythmically repeating each other as they climb the hill leading towards the Merced Church’s landmark bell tower. Even the three bells diminish in size as we view them within their arched belfries. A figure riding a motorcycle, stopped in time as it weaves through traffic and roars up the hill, offers a touch of incongruity by linking the cars with the pedestrians – it combines characteristics of both. As a final interpretive touch, I converted the image from color to a vintage sepia, aging the scene and making it seem timeless.

FujiFilm X-M1
1/1200s f/22.0 at 63.2mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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