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Phil Douglis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery Twelve: Using color to express ideas > Tattoo Parlor, Port Angeles, Washington, 2009
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Tattoo Parlor, Port Angeles, Washington, 2009

Red draws the eye to it immediately. This red tattoo parlor, painted and decorated as if it was a cartoon, is conceived as an exaggeration. I isolate the caricature of the tattooed pirate lass, the word “tattoo,” and the single golden star on a field of red that virtually fills my frame. She seems to be daring us to enter.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1
1/400s f/5.1 at 140.0mm iso100 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time24-Jun-2009 09:43:29
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length140 mm
Exposure Time1/400 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modemulti spot (3)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Phil Douglis26-Nov-2009 22:45
Thanks, John, for letting us know the sad news. The tattoo parlor is gone, replaced by bland conformity. You are right -- we are all historians. Our images can keep such memories as this alive, at least for awhile. So yes -- keep on shooting, knowing full well that what you shoot might soon vanish forever.
John Vass26-Nov-2009 08:52
Alas my friends, the talk of sloppy paint and questionable tattoos is for naught! All has been painted over and the ink parlor is gone! The red is gone, replaced by a reddish brown nothingness! So the photo is a relic assigned to history, but the lesson remains intact! Another lesson is reveled though! Take the shot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot like there is no tomorrow! For tomorrow it may be gone!
Phil Douglis04-Jul-2009 21:24
You have a great eye for detail, Rose. I missed the sloppy paint job until you mentioned it. I would guess that the work was probably done by a friend or amateur. Red certainly grabs the eye.
sunlightpix04-Jul-2009 05:38
Yikes, the red in the image grabs my eye. The paint on the wall interests me, because of the messy way it splashes onto the trim. I hope its not an example of the work by the person doing the tatts.
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