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Phil Douglis | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery Eighty-one: A city portrait – impressions of Cuenca, Ecuador tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Gallery Eighty-one: A city portrait – impressions of Cuenca, Ecuador

Just as a portrait of a person must attempt to define personality and character, a portrait of a city must do likewise. This is the third in a series of such city portraits in my cyberbook on expressive photography. My first city portrait expressed the personality of New York City in interpretive terms – offering not only a sense of place, but also convey my impressions of how a place feels and functions. The second city portrait in this series explored a popular beach town, Mission Beach, California.

In this third city portrait, I offer a series of interpretive photographs that express the personality and character of Cuenca, Ecuador. This gallery offers 72 photographs, made over a four-week period. Being able to shoot in one place for a whole month allowed enough time to create a city portrait featuring both depth and variety of content.

I hope that this city portrait, as well as those that may follow, will help other travel photographers use interpretive photography to reveal the nature of the cities that they will visit. I made over 20,000 images during the month, and edited this selection from approximately 300 keepers. Sixty-two other keepers from my Cuenca shoot can be seen in 22 of my other galleries. You can locate them by clicking on this link:

I present this gallery, as usual, in "blog" style. A large thumbnail is displayed for each image, along with a caption explaining how I intended to express my ideas. If you click on the large thumbnail, you can see it in its full size, as well as leave comments and read the comments of others. I hope you will be able to participate in the dialogue. I welcome your comments, suggestions, ideas, and questions, and will be delighted to respond.