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Pedro Libório | all galleries >> Galleries >> a bit of Alentejo - Portugal > Feeling like Spring ...
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Feeling like Spring ...

Sony DSLR-A100
1/400s f/4.5 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
12306-Oct-2007 19:18
Gorgeous. V
Jan Frode Aase04-Aug-2007 20:50
The green tones and the light, are so beautiful.
Wonderful photo with its shapes and forms. V
Richard Calmes26-Mar-2007 20:10
A lovely composition! Beautiful picture! V
Guest 25-Mar-2007 18:30
Awesome Shot Pedro, and it does feel like spring
fred_il25-Mar-2007 15:14
Guest 25-Mar-2007 13:23
beautiful view, very peaceful,love it.
Herb 25-Mar-2007 12:54
Nice image
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