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Turtles, Snakes, Lizards
Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus)
Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus)
Painted turtle laying eggs
Painted turtle laying eggs
Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta)
Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta)
Twelve Snakes
Twelve Snakes
Snake Eye
Snake Eye
Garter Snakes
Garter Snakes
Garter snakes under rug
Garter snakes under rug
Garter snakes under rug
Garter snakes under rug
Garter Snake
Garter Snake
Garter Snake
Garter Snake
Red-Bellied Snake
Red-Bellied Snake
Red-Bellied Snake
Red-Bellied Snake
Garter Snake in Hand
Garter Snake in Hand
Killed by raptor?
Killed by raptor?
2005-06-01~ Garter Snake
2005-06-01~ Garter Snake
2005-07-01~ Snapper Face
2005-07-01~ Snapper Face
2005-07-11~ Old Blue Eyes
2005-07-11~ Old Blue Eyes
Lizard Eye
Lizard Eye
Garter Snake Eating Tadpole
Garter Snake Eating Tadpole
Almost Gone
Almost Gone
Agama Lizard
Agama Lizard
Lawn Lizard
Lawn Lizard
Long-Tailed Lizard
Long-Tailed Lizard
Snapping Turtle Bobbing for Apple
Snapping Turtle Bobbing for Apple
Painted Turtle
Painted Turtle
Baby Painted Turtle with Egg Tooth
Baby Painted Turtle with Egg Tooth
Snake in the Grass
Snake in the Grass
Garter Snake on Stone Ledge
Garter Snake on Stone Ledge
Ular Laut (Sea Snake)
Ular Laut (Sea Snake)
Red Bellied Snake
Red Bellied Snake
Red Bellied Snake Belly
Red Bellied Snake Belly
Rescued Turtle
Rescued Turtle
Rescued Turtle
Rescued Turtle
Painted Turtle with Leech
Painted Turtle with Leech
Amazon Bark Anole (Anolis ortonii)
Amazon Bark Anole (Anolis ortonii)
Tropical House Gecko (Hemidactylus mabouia)
Tropical House Gecko (Hemidactylus mabouia)
Spectacled Caiman
Spectacled Caiman
Common Forest Anole
Common Forest Anole
Western Leaf Lizard (Stenocercus fimbriatus)
Western Leaf Lizard (Stenocercus fimbriatus)
Painted Turtle sunning on a plastic swan
Painted Turtle sunning on a plastic swan
Viper in a Rosemary Bush
Viper in a Rosemary Bush
 Common Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis)
Common Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis)
Who're You Lookin' At?
Who're You Lookin' At?
Colorful anole in karst cave country
Colorful anole in karst cave country
Female anole in Luis's hand
Female anole in Luis's hand
Cliff Anole (Anolis bartschi)
Cliff Anole (Anolis bartschi)
Anole on branch
Anole on branch
Anole showing some dewlap
Anole showing some dewlap
Baby Snapping Turtle
[ Baby Snapping Turtle ]
Garter snake eats pickerel frog
[ Garter snake eats pickerel frog ]