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Pawel Lancucki | profile | all galleries >> Pawel Lancucki - Amateur Astronomy >> Astrophotography tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


I will upload here my best astrophotography images. Although my primary interest is wide-field imaging, I am occasionally imaging small DSO, solar system objects, comets. Also, some nice images of the not-necessarily clear sky will appear here (clouds, auroras, storms...).
My recent images
:: My recent images ::
Messier Objects
:: Messier Objects ::
Other Deep Space Objects
:: Other Deep Space Objects ::
Objects of the Southern Sky
:: Objects of the Southern Sky ::
Solar System - Sun, Moon, Planets, Comets, Asteroids...
:: Solar System - Sun, Moon, Planets, Comets, Asteroids... ::
Earth Sky - Atmospheric Phenomena
:: Earth Sky - Atmospheric Phenomena ::
One-time astronomy events
:: One-time astronomy events ::
Wide-field Astrophotography
:: Wide-field Astrophotography ::