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Miscellaneous topics

Problems with connecting AP GTO mount with ASCOM 4.1
:: Problems with connecting AP GTO mount with ASCOM 4.1 ::
PD-6XY - Takahashi dual axis drive
:: PD-6XY - Takahashi dual axis drive ::
Takahashi DSC - Astroscales
:: Takahashi DSC - Astroscales ::
JP-Z / EM-400 tripod
:: JP-Z / EM-400 tripod ::
Takahashi SKY90 and accessories
:: Takahashi SKY90 and accessories ::
Cooling performance of FLI vs APOGEE
:: Cooling performance of FLI vs APOGEE ::
Kenko Skymemo
:: Kenko Skymemo ::
AP130 test images
:: AP130 test images ::
:: tv_everbrite ::
:: a_misc_tv_starp ::