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pkocinski | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2023 Images - Year Seventeen > Gorgeous Sunrise
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Gorgeous Sunrise

The sky was gorgeous this morning...

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Buz Kiefer04-Jan-2024 12:38
Beautiful sunset with appealing cloud formation. V
Bryan Murahashi28-Dec-2023 04:49
A stunning sunrise and capture.
larose forest photos27-Dec-2023 21:35
Wow! The sky really was stunninng, and you caught it perfectly. Lovely work. VV
Tom Munson27-Dec-2023 16:28
This is indeed a beautiful sunrise. Great capture.
Ed Preston27-Dec-2023 14:12
Absolutely gorgeous!
joseantonio27-Dec-2023 03:34
love that beautiful sky.V.
Helen Betts27-Dec-2023 00:10
Indeed it was gorgeous, and you got a super capture of it.
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