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More Like Spring Than Christmas

It's 55F (13C) out and it feels more like Spring than Christmas. At least it makes traveling around today easier.
I'm sure we'll pay a price for this nice weather later on...

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Kevin D Warren31-Dec-2023 15:54
Happy Green Christmas!
Ed Preston26-Dec-2023 22:23
LOL, rained here, I figure we didn't have to shovel 10 to 12 inches!
Tom Munson26-Dec-2023 16:15
It sure does look like spring. Nice shot.
Bryan Murahashi26-Dec-2023 04:08
Looks great for a December 25 day.
Helen Betts25-Dec-2023 21:18
Looks lovely with those long shadows, but I'm sure it should be colder. It's almost 60 F here today, definitely not winter temps.
joseantonio25-Dec-2023 19:11
beautiful view nicely composed.V.
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