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Merry Christmas

As you can see I will not be having a white Christmas again this year.
We must have been bad this year because all we get weather wise is cloudy and rain.

I wish you all happiness and good cheer in the coming year.

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Kevin D Warren31-Dec-2023 15:58
Merry Christmas! We has some snow on the ground beforehand but the wind and rain chased it all way.
janescottcumming25-Dec-2023 18:25
Merry Christmas to you as well Patti.
joseantonio25-Dec-2023 04:18
Merry Christmas to you too
larose forest photos24-Dec-2023 21:59
Merry Christmas to you and yours too! Thank you for a year of delightful photos.
We have an almost green Christmas, just icy snow really and not much. V
Tom Munson24-Dec-2023 17:30
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Coleen Perilloux Landry24-Dec-2023 17:21
Merry Christmas to you. We have rain here, too, but clearing out for Christmas morning.
Helen Betts24-Dec-2023 15:59
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too! No white Christmas for us, either :-(.
Ed Preston24-Dec-2023 15:11
Thank you and back at ya, same here, light rain/mist all day yesterday, 48 degrees this morning. I'm not complaining mind ya, but this is one of the few times I don't mind some snow on the ground!
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