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pkocinski | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2018 Images - Year Twelve > Creeks and Streams Are Flowing
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Creeks and Streams Are Flowing

With all the rain we've had lately, the creeks and streams were flowing so I finally got a chance to go capture some of it.

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Bryan Murahashi23-Nov-2018 05:05
Great photo of this little cascade.
Tom Munson05-Nov-2018 15:19
What a beautiful creek and waterfall.
larose forest photos04-Nov-2018 22:20
Terrific shot showing the power of this fast flowing water. V
janescottcumming04-Nov-2018 20:14
A beautiful little creek.
Pieter Bos04-Nov-2018 16:08
Beautiful water movement. ~V
Ed Preston04-Nov-2018 13:56
Along with the leaves it's a very Fall scene, nicely seen and captured!
Jim Coffman04-Nov-2018 13:31
Masterfully captured, Patti! Very lovely!!
Helen Betts04-Nov-2018 13:12
What a beautiful capture of this flowing water. I guess a lot of rain has some advantages!
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