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The House Across The Road...

My subject to demonstrate what's going on with the weather here. Well as you can see our Autumn color is lacking, to say the least. We still haven't had a hard frost nor even any frost at all for that matter. At this point I've just about given up on Autumn color. There are pockets of color with a few trees here and there, but for the most part, Autumn has passed us by this year. All we have is dreary gray skies and no color on the trees. With three days of rain predicted for the weekend and beyond, I'm guessing we won't get better color.
Oh well...

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Jean D31-Oct-2018 03:06
Hopefully you will witness some colorful scenes soon, Patti.
Bryan Murahashi30-Oct-2018 03:44
Same here, been on the warm side this Autumn.
janescottcumming27-Oct-2018 18:33
Looks like my neighborhood. Not much color around here either.
Ed Preston26-Oct-2018 22:40
WOW, I'm used to this scene with 1-16 inches of snow. So, along those lines, I guess it could be worse! Good luck, I'll try to show some of Maralee's color tomorrow.
Tom Munson26-Oct-2018 14:53
That's amazing. It sure seems they should turned by now.
Jim Coffman26-Oct-2018 14:29
Don't give up, Patti.. I thought the same thing but it happened and I think it will for you..
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