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Pieter Bos | profile | all galleries >> Germany >> Niedersachsen >> Lüneburg tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map


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Old historic harbor of Ilmenau river
Old historic harbor of Ilmenau river
Luneburg Water Tower
Luneburg Water Tower
Characteristic houses
Characteristic houses
Ilmenau River
Ilmenau River
Staircase in the water tower
Staircase in the water tower
Ratsmühle Lüneburg (water mill)
Ratsmühle Lüneburg (water mill)
Rathaus Lüneburg
Rathaus Lüneburg
Das Schwangere Haus (The Pregnant House)
"Das Schwangere Haus" ("The Pregnant House")
Stairs in former water tower
Stairs in former water tower
Skulptur das Leben ist schön (life is beautiful)
Skulptur "das Leben ist schön" ("life is beautiful")
Old crane in the Lüneburg harbor
Old crane in the Lüneburg harbor
Rainy evening in Lüneburg
Rainy evening in Lüneburg
Central Building of the Leuphana Universität
Central Building of the Leuphana Universität