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Phillip Normanton | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> All the Colour Has Gone Out of My Life tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

All the Colour Has Gone Out of My Life

But I don't much care
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20120903 - Dead bw
20120903 - Dead bw
20080826 - Coffee'n'Cake
20080826 - Coffee'n'Cake
20080824 - Barn
20080824 - Barn
20080824 - River Ure
20080824 - River Ure
20080824 - Lavender
20080824 - Lavender
20080824 - MonoCoo
20080824 - MonoCoo
20080819 - One Twice
20080819 - One Twice
20080817 - Graves
20080817 - Graves
20080817 - Gate
20080817 - Gate
20080817 - Wensleydale
20080817 - Wensleydale
20080814 - Plate
20080814 - Plate
20080813 - Shadowy
20080813 - Shadowy
20080812 - Rainy Days
20080812 - Rainy Days
20080811 - Not Quite Obsolete
20080811 - Not Quite Obsolete
20080810 - Wheat Poppies
20080810 - Wheat Poppies
20080810 - Country Seat
20080810 - Country Seat
20080810 - Beware
20080810 - Beware
20080809 - Laundry Day
20080809 - Laundry Day
20080807 - Funnel
20080807 - Funnel
20080806 - Tumble
20080806 - Tumble
20080805 -Détritus
20080805 -Détritus
20080804 - What....
20080804 - What....
20080804 - Light
20080804 - Light
20080804 - Dark
20080804 - Dark
20080803 - Jervaulx Abbey
20080803 - Jervaulx Abbey
20080803 - Door
20080803 - Door
20080803 - Builders Breakfast
20080803 - Builders Breakfast
20080803 - Room with a View
20080803 - Room with a View
20080803 - Shovel
20080803 - Shovel
20080803 - Jervaulx Arch
20080803 - Jervaulx Arch
20080802 - Which Way?
20080802 - Which Way?
20080802 - Line of Trees
20080802 - Line of Trees
20080802 - Derelict
20080802 - Derelict
20080802 - Trees
20080802 - Trees
20080802 - Fun in the Woods
20080802 - Fun in the Woods
20080406 - Snowish
20080406 - Snowish
20080325 - From the Outside
20080325 - From the Outside
20080313 - Old Tay Rail Bridge Stump
20080313 - Old Tay Rail Bridge Stump
20080315 - Bad Idea
20080315 - Bad Idea
20080312 - Hungry
20080312 - Hungry
20080311 - Candle Lane
20080311 - Candle Lane
20080311 - Déjà vu
20080311 - Déjà vu
20080309 - Where to Guv?
20080309 - Where to Guv?
20080227 - Groynes
20080227 - Groynes
20080224 - Old Estate Yard
20080224 - Old Estate Yard
20080224 - Private Fishing
20080224 - Private Fishing
20080223 - Mummy!
20080223 - Mummy!
20080222 - Venetian SP
20080222 - Venetian SP
20080221 - Tired Car
20080221 - Tired Car
20080221 - TITTC: Tired
20080221 - TITTC: Tired
20080217 - Sawing
20080217 - Sawing
20080217 - Sawing
20080217 - Sawing
20080215 - Convict SP
20080215 - Convict SP
20080214 - More CD Bits
20080214 - More CD Bits
20080212 - Mist
20080212 - Mist
20080208 - Worn Out SP
20080208 - Worn Out SP
20080208 - Shambles
20080208 - Shambles
20080208 - York Minster
20080208 - York Minster
20080206 - Trees
20080206 - Trees
20080204 - Gates
20080204 - Gates
20080203 - Here Be Dragons
20080203 - Here Be Dragons
20080201 - Half Birthday!!!
20080201 - Half Birthday!!!
20080129 - Eye-eye
20080129 - Eye-eye
20080128 Onwards and Upwards
20080128 Onwards and Upwards
20080127 - Overflowing
20080127 - Overflowing
20080117 - TITTC: The Eyes Have It
20080117 - TITTC: The Eyes Have It
20080115 - b&w
20080115 - b&w
20080111 - Lee's Beard!
20080111 - Lee's Beard!
20080106-1 - Sprung
20080106-1 - Sprung
20080104 - Friday Again
20080104 - Friday Again
20080103 - More Dull
20080103 - More Dull
20080101-1 - Raindrops
20080101-1 - Raindrops
20080101 - Keeping
20080101 - Keeping
20071228 - Ugh
20071228 - Ugh
20071227 - OFF...
20071227 - OFF...
20071216 - CD
20071216 - CD
20071214 - Mmmmmm
20071214 - Mmmmmm
20071202 - Hangin'
20071202 - Hangin'
20071130 - Prezzie
20071130 - Prezzie
20071117 - Stuff
20071117 - Stuff
20071115 - TITTC: Abstract
20071115 - TITTC: Abstract
20071101 - TITTC Light Bulb
20071101 - TITTC "Light Bulb"
20071031 - Gritty Tea and Carrot Cake
20071031 - Gritty Tea and Carrot Cake
20071026 - Cheers!
20071026 - Cheers!
20071024 Last bit of Scotland
20071024 Last bit of Scotland
20071022 - Well...
20071022 - Well...
20071019 - Mmmm, beer!
20071019 - Mmmm, beer!
20071016 - Steamy
20071016 - Steamy
20070930-2-2 - Still Playing
20070930-2-2 - Still Playing
20070825 - Swaledale
20070825 - Swaledale
20070824 - Crossing
20070824 - "Crossing"
20070824 - Laden
20070824 - Laden
20070822 - Firewood
20070822 - Firewood
20070811 - Help, I've been invaded!
20070811 - Help, I've been invaded!
Too Late
Too Late
Bill: TITTC 20070809
Bill: TITTC 20070809
20070808 - Too Cloudy
20070808 - Too Cloudy
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