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Phillip Normanton | all galleries >> Galleries >> Water > 20080329 - Mill Gill - Smee Remix
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20080329 - Mill Gill - Smee Remix

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Had another go at processing this one, give it a bit more... oomph. Not sure if it's better or not, it's a lot less subtle anyway!
And yes, I did stand still(ish) for 4 seconds. But I did use some fill-flash to sort of fix me in place first so that if I did wobble a bit, it wouldn't matter quite so much. And I did wobble!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 05-Dec-2009 20:47
Wow quite a difference; much better!!!

Guest 14-Jan-2009 00:33
Amazing, no wooble... :) amazing shot and post production; sublime.
Victoria04-Apr-2008 20:23
s_barbour03-Apr-2008 23:01
This is a stunning capture Phillip, terrific entry for todays challenge!
Guest 03-Apr-2008 21:53
Nice to meet you in such a nice resort. Hello!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography03-Apr-2008 20:57
Very nice effect and very nice place as well.
J. Scott Coile03-Apr-2008 19:28
What a heavenly setting. I imagine the sound is quite soothing. Beautiful greens Phillip.
Al Chesworth03-Apr-2008 19:11
Nice waterfall, you look a bit wet, (er rained on.)
Zak03-Apr-2008 10:41
Great shot!
Dan Chusid03-Apr-2008 00:29
4 seconds can seem like an eternity...!
Guest 02-Apr-2008 07:46
Wow very beautiful scene. You did great capturing it and editing it.
Guest 02-Apr-2008 06:30
lovely image!... and nice processing too!
Russ Rose02-Apr-2008 02:05
Nicely done. cool imgage. How far did you have to hike in to find this stream?

I like it alot.
mathilda williams02-Apr-2008 00:33
fabulous image!
carol j. phipps02-Apr-2008 00:25
Scott Browne31-Mar-2008 15:01
Definitely more "pop" to this image. I like it.
beverley harrison30-Mar-2008 17:08 the spot you chose...nothing like that around here...we're in the flatlands!!