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Phillip Normanton | all galleries >> Photo a Day >> PaD March 2008 > 20080329 - Mill Gill - Smee
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20080329 - Mill Gill - Smee

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As it was throwing it down this afternoon I thought it'd be nice to visit a waterfall. Oh dear!
Soaked to the skin!!!
On the way back I fancied stopping at the Co-op for some beer, got there and noticed my bum was soaking wet! Hope no-one else noticed!!

The other pics (without a glamorous host ;-)...

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Lee G02-Apr-2008 22:05
What a beautiful scene! Nice job!!
Laura Sebastianelli31-Mar-2008 01:35
Incredible place!
Nicki Thurgar30-Mar-2008 21:00
Oh wow, how beautiful! Perfect milkiness!
Gail Davison30-Mar-2008 19:47
haha... love the story. what a fantastic place!
Stewart Mitchell30-Mar-2008 12:53
Great scenes, hard to pick a fav, so a vote for the group!! ~V~
Nick Powell30-Mar-2008 11:42
I only wish I had waterfalls like this near me, well worth the trek and soaking!
Johnny JAG30-Mar-2008 07:39
Nice set of shots (I knew 'twas shoe)
Malcolm Smith30-Mar-2008 06:49
Great shot. Did you manage to stand still for 4 seconds as you were frozen with cold?
Scott Browne30-Mar-2008 03:01
Wow. You stood pretty still for 4 seconds.
laine8230-Mar-2008 01:09
From the look of this it was worth a wet bum !! Can't pick one over the other so I vote for all !!
Sam Stevenson29-Mar-2008 23:10
That looks great - love the look of the water here.
Lee Rudd29-Mar-2008 23:10
you were frozen too!
Máire Uí Mhaicín29-Mar-2008 22:54
Wet,wet,wet and LOVELY!
Ann...29-Mar-2008 22:16
What a marvelous scene - great work Phil !!!!