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Nilo Arribas, Jr. | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Other Philippine Flora and Fauna tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Other Philippine Flora and Fauna

All photos in these galleries were taken in the wild with unrestrained subjects in their natural habitat.
Philippine Colugo [Cynocephalus volans]
:: Philippine Colugo [Cynocephalus volans] ::
Philippine Long-tailed Macaque
:: Philippine Long-tailed Macaque ::
Giant Golden-crowned Flying Fox
:: Giant Golden-crowned Flying Fox ::
Philippine Sailfin Lizard
:: Philippine Sailfin Lizard ::
Emerald Tree Skink
:: Emerald Tree Skink ::
Flying Dragon
:: Flying Dragon ::
Philippine Green Crested Lizard
:: Philippine Green Crested Lizard ::
Ground Skink
:: Ground Skink ::