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Peter Kwok | profile | all galleries >> Berlin & Prague 2014 >> Berlin >> Reichstag tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Museum Island | Central Berlin | Kurfürstendamm & Tauentzienstraße | Potsdamer Platz | Reichstag | Kreuzberg, Berlin | Berlin Hauptbahnhof | Along the Spree River in Berlin | Berlin Kulturforum


The Reichstag building opened in 1894 to house the Imperial Diet. It was also the home of the German parliament during the Weimar Republic until 1933 when a fire (probably set by the Nazis) made the building unusable. During the Nazi era, the rubber stamp legislature rarely met. During the Cold War, repairs were made, but usages were limited due to its proximity to the Berlin Wall. In 1991, one year after German reunification, the Bundestag decided to move the capital back to Berlin. Beginning in 1992, reconstruction by architect Norman Foster completely gutted and rebuilt the interior. The building is topped with a 40m wide 23.5m tall glass cupola. In 1999, the Bundestag officially convened here.

Entrance to the dome is free. But visitors must register on-line ahead of time.
Reichstag Dome
Reichstag Dome
Spiral Ramp
Spiral Ramp
Beneath the Reichstag Dome
Beneath the Reichstag Dome
Reichstag Dome
Reichstag Dome
Reichstag Building
Reichstag Building
Berlin Hauptbahnhof from Reichstag
Berlin Hauptbahnhof from Reichstag
Top of the Dome
Top of the Dome
German Flag
German Flag