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Peter Kwok | profile | all galleries >> Special Exhibits >> Modern Master Builders >> Frank Gehry tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

I. M. Pei | César Pelli | Frank Gehry | Renzo Piano | Daniel Libeskind | Jon Jerde | Norman Foster

Frank Gehry

Most famous for his metal-wrapped free form deconstruction style, this California based Canadian-American master has achieve celebrity status with his post-modern landmarks.
Walt Disney Concert Hall
Walt Disney Concert Hall
 DG Bank
DG Bank
Outside the EMP
Outside the EMP
Experience Music Project(EMP)
Experience Music Project
Santa Monica Place
Santa Monica Place
Dancing House
Dancing House
Dancing House
Dancing House
EMP Exterior
EMP Exterior
Fish Cafe
Fish Cafe
Fish Cafe
Fish Cafe
Dancing House
Dancing House
New York by Gehry
New York by Gehry
Anaheim Ice
Anaheim Ice
Anaheim Ice
Anaheim Ice
Dancing House
Dancing House
Fondation Louis Vuitton
Fondation Louis Vuitton