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peterjay45 | all galleries >> Galleries >> Regurgitated and Revamped > The Baltimore Basilica
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05-SEP-2009 peter

The Baltimore Basilica

Baltimore, MD

The U.S.A.'s first Cathedral.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS3
1/30, f3.3, ISO 250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
bill friedlander20-Mar-2018 23:17
A pleasing interior shot, nicely symmetrical and lovely soft light. V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)17-Feb-2018 08:48
Excellent! Amazing photography! Big Vote
Patricia Kay15-Dec-2016 15:08
Fabulous the interior shot...
Graeme01-Jun-2016 09:19
Amazing entrance way
Alexander Kazakov09-Jan-2016 09:27
Like the symmetry there! V
Jean Chiasson08-Dec-2015 01:29
Wonderful interior capture peter
Carol How07-Dec-2015 17:01
Your photographic skills are marvellous….its not the equipment its the photographer :) Beautiful, clean and perfectly aligned!
Allan Jay06-Dec-2015 21:22
The Light, Clarity and overall balance of the composition is marvellous , Peter!
Tom LeRoy06-Dec-2015 16:58
A well balanced composition, pristine whites and light control. Just love those rows of pews also!
janescottcumming06-Dec-2015 14:54
Beautiful photos and enlightening information.
Range View 05-Dec-2015 21:06
A wonderful interior capture of this beautifully maintained Cathedral. V
danad05-Dec-2015 11:08
A superb interior shot : the pale light is excellent and the composition, perfect. V.
joseantonio05-Dec-2015 05:08
Thank you for showing us this beauty. I dind´t know about it being the first USA Cathedral.It´s really lovely with those colors in the main altar
Gill Kopy05-Dec-2015 04:45
Gorgeous shots of this beautiful Cathedral - love the soft light over the altar. V
PS Is that a beer bottle tucked behind the gate post ??
Neil Marcus05-Dec-2015 04:15
Sparkling quality and precise composition. "V"