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2010 March igor morin

Sunset Pond 1

Southern Ontario

I will often simply drive along country roads in search of "it", and as evening approached I had the feeling that a spectacular sunset was in the making. I passed by a farm with a large flooded field, and everything lined up westward. I was set up and ready and had 2 new films to try as well. Kodak 100 EPP and 100 VS. Jet vapour trails were already well formed with traffic heading to Detroit and Chicago.

The series of frames starts with the 100 VS film which is basically a strongly saturated film. It works very well for sunsets, and along with the filters gave me the effects I was after for this series.

Pentax 67 II ,Pentax SMC 165 f/2.6,Kodak 100 EPP
f/8 - polarzer - UV1b - 81A - .6 GND filters in a Lee hood. Canoscan 9000f scanner. full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jim 10-Jan-2011 01:17
Surreal. You found "it"!
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