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Paul Walters | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Picture a Day FOR A YEAR tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Picture a Day FOR A YEAR

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This gallery spans one year of my life, from May 22, 2003, to May 22, 2004. These pictures aren't a "Diary", but there is one picture taken by me during each day of this year as a photo challenge to myself. I've created a montage out of all these pictures, with each picture being 1.25 inches square, and the full montage being 20x30 inches.

PaD Mosaic
PaD Mosaic
Extras #1
[ Extras #1 ]
Extras #2
[ Extras #2 ]
Extras #3
[ Extras #3 ]
May, 2003
[ May, 2003 ]
June, 2003
[ June, 2003 ]
July, 2003
[ July, 2003 ]
August, 2003
[ August, 2003 ]
September, 2003
[ September, 2003 ]
October, 2003
[ October, 2003 ]
November, 2003
[ November, 2003 ]
December, 2003
[ December, 2003 ]
January, 2004
[ January, 2004 ]
February, 2004
[ February, 2004 ]
[ march2004 ]
April, 2004
[ April, 2004 ]
May, 2004
[ May, 2004 ]
12/13/2005 MaVista Magazine
12/13/2005 MaVista Magazine