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INDIA Eyes for the true soul

India Tamil Nadu, the land of the Tamils is the southern-most India state of Tamil Nadu is bordered by Puducherry, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.India Tamil Nadu has had continuous human habitation since pre-historic times. Its long India history and Indian cultural traditions are among the oldest in India and the world. The ancient Indian Tamil kingdoms of Chera, Chola, Pallava and Pandya are of very ancient origins. They patronised a mature India culture which produced some of the oldest surviving Indian literature in India.Colonised by the East India Company, India Tamil Nadu was eventually incorporated into the Madras Presidency. After the independence of India, the India Madras State was created in 1956 based on India linguistic boundaries. The name of the Madras State was changed to Tamil Nadu in the year 1969. The politics of India Tamil Nadu has been dominated by DMK and AIADMK, who are of the Indian Dravidian movement which agitated demanding concessions for the 'Dravidian' population of India Tamil Nadu. Lying on a low plain along the Indian southeastern coast of the Indian peninsula, Tamil Nadu is bounded by the India Eastern Ghats in the north and Nilgiri, Annamalai Hills, and Palakkad on the west. The state has large fertile areas along the Indian Coromandel coast, the Palk strait, and the Gulf of Mannar. The fertile plains of India Tamil Nadu are fed by rivers such as Kaveri, Palar, and Vaigai, and by the northeast monsoon. Traditionally a manufacturing Indian state, Tamil Nadu is also a leading producer of agricultural products.The sixth most populous state in the Indian Union, Tamil Nadu has the largest Indian urban agglomeration nationwide. Increases in literacy have caused India Tamil Nadu to report the second lowest growth in population in India for the last decade. Globalisation brought increased export opportunities, making India Tamil Nadu the fifth largest economy among the states of India. In spite of all these TN has the most number of HIV positives in India declared in 2007.The growing demands for skilled labour have caused the increased number of educational institutions in India Tamil Nadu. It has the highest number of vocational training institutions in India. India Chennai, which was known until 1996 as Madras, is the fourth largest city of India and the state capital. Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiruchirapalli, Salem and Tirunelveli are other large cities (Corporations) of India Tamil Nadu.The art and culture of Tamils are among the oldest in India and the world. Great literature, music, dance and architecture have evolved from India Tamil Nadu over the past two millennia. India Tamil Nadu provided the cradle in which the rich musical tradition of India Carnatic music evolved. Many of the great composers such as Tyagaraja lived and flourished in India Tamil Nadu.India

During the 20 years I went to India Tamil Nadu, I always liked how Tamil People enjoyed whenever I
wanted to take a photo of them, so I brought some of their portraits here together for you to enjoy.

Talking Head Dooming out of the dark Pushed in to the hay Young priest
Shy Muslim groom ... and then the Quarrymen came Look at me
Twinkeling Eyes Selvam Itcham Would you be happy ?
Having a haircut As red stripes fade away ...... My place to beg at Spencer Plaza Thannier
Going up in smoke. Sari Salesgirl The load man Kannier Bakthi
Joy Old is gold. (²) Rainboy Old Tamil Man
Watermelon Soap Who is looking at who ? Competition
Gurusami, a guest is God. Crocodile Tears Devote A sweet heavenly dream.
Shy wondering eyes Bulls eye The Horn Tears of Devotion
A Tea ,   a Bidi and Cricket The Lime Man Empty Tiffan box Sparkling juwels
Jallikattu Spectator Her little corner Please, don't  .... |YummmmmmmmmmmY|
The bullock cart The potato loadman Chandran, farmer of Payanur Little angels
Warming up together A Farmer I want to ride my byke Fear
Dreamy Old Man Looking at life on the street ... A Rickshaw man No Doctor !
Intens Listener You are so beautiful .... Tiles Tea Time
The best mechanic in town. Friendship The quarryman Handsome ?
On the road to Madappuram ... Retired Old Fisherman Roomboy
A loner Sadhu After drinking his tea Pride
A refreshing bath Will you still need me .... The Rice Load Man Lightening a bidi
Wisdom written on  walls Get into my frame. It's been a hard days work ... Wealth is heavy to carry.
Joyful rice harvest. Delight Publicity painter The Red Umbrella
The Blue Man 24 A Farmer at the teastall Watching how time goes by
 I said Wild thing ... Sheltering fisherman Blue eyes and red teeth ... WHO is DRUNK here ?
String of beads The Rickshaw Man At the tea stall A man from Rajasthan
The Sadhu and the lady Persuasive Grabbing some sugar at the entrance Kanniyampatti woman
... and more soap ... A man tree ... What's up man ? A flabbergasted staring look