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I bought Rosita in February, 2003, in Hilton Head, SC. She is a 36 foot fiberglass ketch built in 1976 by Allied Wright Co. I enjoyed sailing her around the SC barrier islands for two years and then took a four month cruise down to the Keys and up to Sarasota. She spent 18 months in storage at Cuts Edge Marina in Palmetto while we were in California. In March, 2007, we moved her to a slip in Tarpon Springs. Over the summer we moved her around the tip of Florida and up to Jacksonville, FL. She has a newly rebuilt Perkins 4-108 now and runs great.

Rosita was sold in February, 2008, to a nice fellow from Virginia.

The boats by Allied Boat Co. are a good buy on the used market. They are solidly built with good basics and no extreme design features. They will be around for a long time. You can find more info below and at
A lovely cruise to Beaufort, SC (story)
A lovely cruise to Beaufort, SC (story)
Rosita's Specifications
Rosita's Specifications
< Accomodations >
 Allied Princess 36  Reviews and History
<  Allied Princess 36 Reviews and History >
How Rosita Got Her Name
How Rosita Got Her Name
< Details >
Projects and Improvements
< Projects and Improvements >
Halsey Cannon Boatyard
< Halsey Cannon Boatyard >
Half-hull model of Rosita by Todd Dunn
Half-hull model of Rosita by Todd Dunn
One of Rosita's previous incarnations
One of Rosita's previous incarnations
Rosita's CG vessel documentation
Rosita's CG vessel documentation
The drifter really pulls
The drifter really pulls
Engine details
< Engine details >