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10th August 2006 © neil hanson



Had a nice afternoon walk, caught in a sharp shower.
What luck!
Spotted in someone's front garden.

:::: Drip Drop ::::

all images © neil hanson: unauthorised use of images without expressed written permission is prohibited

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Guest 14-Aug-2006 09:06
Great composition on this - I like the depth effect it produces.
Nico de Bruin13-Aug-2006 21:39
Wow, you are starting to really nail these macros! Stunning series.
shatterbug11-Aug-2006 03:10
Great colors and focus! Love the way you composed this too!
chrisse10-Aug-2006 20:17
Another great macro Neil, awesome colour too. Would have geen a nice entry for today's DoF challenge too. gmv
Johnny JAG10-Aug-2006 19:32
Outstanding, great colour and dof. Big vote
beverley harrison10-Aug-2006 19:07
lovely image and colours!!
Nicki Thurgar10-Aug-2006 18:41
Not just the camera but the person behind it that makes the great pics! ;oD
Super focus on the drop & great colours - and that's just the
sort of thing I wouldn't dare to do (photograph someone elses garden!)
Guest 10-Aug-2006 18:09
Stunningly scrumptious shot m8, that bloody new camera of yours:-) Vote