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Roger Bailey | all galleries >> Galleries >> Model Railways > Passengers on the Suburban train wait for the Express to pass.
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Passengers on the Suburban train wait for the Express to pass.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
fotabug22-Aug-2009 02:27
realistic looking
Dirck Brinckerhoff19-Aug-2009 06:15
Beautifully modeled car, Roger.
Jack Hoying18-Aug-2009 02:14
Is that a running board on the lower part of the car? Or is it simply steps for boarding?
Laura Milholland17-Aug-2009 20:20
Same as Ann - impressive amount of detail. Nice one, Roger.
Bea.17-Aug-2009 09:11
Must be off peak. Good shot Roger.
Ann17-Aug-2009 06:37
These model railways have great detail.
Paul Milholland17-Aug-2009 01:32
Neat shot, Roger.
Greg W16-Aug-2009 23:08
They seem to be bord stiff from waiting..
Guest 16-Aug-2009 22:51
Another nice shot.
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