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Nick Vivian | all galleries >> Galleries >> Magic Moments > Wot U looking at ?... Heh
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Wot U looking at ?... Heh

Lamu Island, Kenya

Canon EOS 10D
1/180s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 30-Jan-2021 16:16
Florent Potard23-Mar-2015 19:16
Superb shot!
Wintermeer17-Nov-2013 15:10
This shot is absolutely marvelous!
OurPhotos07-Mar-2012 19:47
very cool!
Barry Liimakka18-Aug-2011 22:33
Are you looking at me??? Nice shot.
B Five Studios18-Aug-2011 15:13
Love this shot!!! Reflection is great!!
Brenda Knoll Budd12-Jan-2011 13:45
Too funny! And what a beautifully done photo!
Cheryl Blanchard07-Nov-2010 20:19
excellent! :)
Gerri Crockwell09-Sep-2010 01:29
Guest 20-Aug-2010 17:02
Great capture of Mr Krabs! :)
Rob Oele06-Dec-2009 17:05
Strong, amazing shot! V
Greg Vescuso13-Aug-2008 13:26
Love it!! Excellent job...congrats.v
Guest 05-Jul-2007 20:05
The PREDATOR watches!
Larry Hill01-Apr-2007 22:47
Beautiful capture, nice wary expression
anuschka17-Feb-2007 20:14
A beauty!
Tricia04-Jan-2007 16:48
This is a wonderful shot with that great reflection, worth the trouble you took to get it! The whole gallery is fun, but this one jumps out at me! I hope you printed (maybe after a little bit of straightening..... ;) it out to hang somewhere prominent.
Guest 29-Dec-2006 01:56
that guy is cool not that you havent had about a thousand comments on that already but I like it you should keep it in the top 50 its better than the other head on crab shot (and the crab on nose shot lol)
Rosemarie Kusserow28-Nov-2006 20:50
Excellent shot, beautiful colors and light, voted, Rosemarie :o)
Olaf Herrig06-Oct-2006 07:07
Perhaps the best in this great gallery!
Mario Weusten03-Sep-2006 14:17
beautiful shot ...gmv
Guest 14-Aug-2006 21:14
Eye to eye with a crab.... I love the symmetry horizontal and vertical via the reflection!
Rosemarie Kusserow08-Jul-2006 07:10
Great sharpness and very nice colors, beautiful reflection shot, nice light as well, I love it, Rosemarie :-)
Guest 20-Jun-2006 07:32
Thierry Lucas10-Jun-2006 09:17
Excellent shot, Voted.
Guest 02-Jun-2006 00:34
He looked scared hah~~~
Very nice shot Nick
Guest 03-May-2006 17:40
Nice simple composision and good lighting
Susan 21-Mar-2006 15:39
Wow! What a great close up ! Great catch !
Reflections by Ruth21-Mar-2006 13:10
:)) great colors and reflection, what a fantastic album
Pic Chick21-Mar-2006 03:21
Unbelievable shot....!!!!
Yvonne20-Mar-2006 11:06
What an amazing shot!
Carole Stevens19-Mar-2006 10:14
Stunning crab shot! Beautiful reflection! Really wish i could have taken this! Well done!
Vilone16-Mar-2006 00:52
Great shot!!Those eyes really pop!!
MacPhot15-Mar-2006 20:53
these two crab shots are brilliant - i keep coming back for another look! vote
Ali Majdfar15-Mar-2006 11:54
Outstanding close up
Guest 15-Mar-2006 01:14
Nice capture. Excellent reflection and framing.
Emidio Machado14-Mar-2006 12:05
Excelente imagem!!!
Jola Dziubinska12-Mar-2006 20:41
Wonderful view and reflection, very well done.
Zak12-Mar-2006 19:36
Great catch!!
akleja12-Mar-2006 19:33
Really nice shot!
Herb 12-Mar-2006 19:28
Nice shot
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