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Nikon D70s
1/1250s f/4.0 at 18.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
bill friedlander24-Nov-2009 22:46
A fine creative portrait. He may have been in a few scraps but the halo tells us he is a fine person. V
Guest 21-Jul-2009 10:09
Fine portrait and treatment.
Pawel04-Dec-2008 19:24
Very cool. v
an N 01-Dec-2008 13:58
Amazing, he is an angel.. V
Guest 25-Aug-2008 03:23
This is really an oustanding portrait ! Big vote ..VV..
12329-Jul-2008 06:11
Saint of Holy :) BV
Very cool.
Francisco Figueras24-Jul-2008 07:05
surreal too!
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