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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> october_2005 > 10-31-05.jpg
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Today is the last of October and Halloween. I wanted to try and make my PaD for this month with a theme, benches. I didn’t make it. This is the last one for this month. I noticed this bench earlier in the week and was able to get to it today. I like the rustic look, the leaf covered seat and the sun’s warming glow. I now have a better admiration for anyone who commits to choosing a subject then sticking with. My hat is off to Bill and Wanda and the full year with their Wanda-a-Day gallery. Happy Halloween!

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Coleen Perilloux Landry31-Oct-2005 16:05
The lighting on this is great and I like the rustic look. I can almost hear the leaves rustles and crackle as I sit on it. You did a nice job of featuring benches in October; Happy Halloween.
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