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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> october_2005 > 10-30-05.jpg
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I am amazed at the effort required to look for a specific subject of the month. Yet, it has help me to see the world a bit differently. So, here is another bench. This one taken at the public library with a slight drizzle falling as well as a few leaves from a brisk wind.

Today also is my mothers birthday. So, if you happen to see this mom, "Happy Birthday!"

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Guest 20-Nov-2005 02:59
very good for reading books.
Please give me a permission for image of blog.
if any, please adviced
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many thanks for calm & silent atomosphere.
Coleen Perilloux Landry31-Oct-2005 07:51
This is a lovely bench and the leaves make it so romantic. Young lovers ought to be sitting here.
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