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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> February 2005 > 02-26-05.jpg
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Guess what I took photos of today? Shadows! But I’m not going to make you endure three days in a row of them. I am feeling much better today so I'm on the downhill side of this head cold. We had a wonderful day to ride so I cleaned up the Beemer and went for a ride. Started laundry when I got home and started to work on some self portraits even added one of my fishing hats as a prop. Any comments on the lighting would be appreciated. It is straight out of the camera, no adjutments, only resized.

Nikon D100
1/60s f/5.6 at 42.0mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jola Dziubinska17-Nov-2005 20:26
Excellent light, very nice portrait.
Nick Clarke27-Feb-2005 18:08
Very strong image, I like it.
Wenche Aune27-Feb-2005 15:17
Beautiful portait.
Dennis Hoyne27-Feb-2005 04:21
Great portrait, nice job.
Pepe Zyman27-Feb-2005 02:39
Excellent portrait!
don nieman27-Feb-2005 02:35
It's a great shot.
littleheifer27-Feb-2005 02:31
I really like the lighting. You nailed your eyes perfectly. Great shot.
Peter Hollinger27-Feb-2005 02:25
The lighting looks excellent to me.
Herb 27-Feb-2005 02:09
Nice job
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