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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> February 2005 > 02-25-05.jpg
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Photography nudges us to look beyond what we saw yesterday or even what we thought we saw. This image is an example where many people walk by this gate leading to the swimming pool and may never see these patterns. If you study the image you can see where the third bar on the left side is bent showing a wider gap between the bars. Something I did not see when I took the shot. So, photography and especially the PaD assignment, has helped me to see beyond what I saw yesterday or what I thought I saw.
I have not felt up to snuff because of this head cold and have also been in a lot of good prayer/meditation for a couple of days. Both of these may have influenced me to be looking down and therefore my minds eye was looking into the shadows as I focused on them yesterday also. Have a great weekend!

Nikon D100
1/1250s f/8.0 at 52.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Wenche Aune26-Feb-2005 21:42
Very nice composition and texture.
Antonis Sarantos26-Feb-2005 08:05
Excellent composition i think it would be perfect in b&w!
Sam Stevenson26-Feb-2005 00:54
The shadow "projection" from the bottom of the gate is a very nice effect.
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