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Melanie | profile | all galleries >> People in my life >> My best friend and her family tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

DeMorcan/Wayne | Mel | My Sister Heather & her family | Gerald (my Son) & his family | My father and some of the extended Family members | My best friend and her family | Jeremy (my stp Son) and his family | Doris and Family | the place & people I worked with | Sister Karin her wife Lori & all their moods

My best friend and her family

Donna and I go back to 1981... Update about my friend Donna. If you are reading this, she has terminal cancer. Any Prayers would be appreciated. Thanks
Donna and Lucky.jpg(197)
Donna and Lucky.jpg(197)
Lucky Dog.jpg (9/16/04)(288)
Lucky Dog.jpg (9/16/04)(288)
Night shot of fish tank.jpg(274)
Night shot of fish tank.jpg(274)
Passionate conversation.jpg(186)
Passionate conversation.jpg(186)
puppy kisses.jpg(438)
puppy kisses.jpg(438)
Steven chilled.jpg(202)
Steven chilled.jpg(202)
Fishtank in daylight.jpg(212)
Fishtank in daylight.jpg(212)
Donna  Donna.jpg(153)
Donna Donna.jpg(153)
12-31-2005 Our Wedding Day.jpg(562)
12-31-2005 Our Wedding Day.jpg(562)