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Melanie | profile | all galleries >> People in my life >> the place & people I worked with tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

DeMorcan/Wayne | Mel | My Sister Heather & her family | Gerald (my Son) & his family | My father and some of the extended Family members | My best friend and her family | Jeremy (my stp Son) and his family | Doris and Family | the place & people I worked with | Sister Karin her wife Lori & all their moods

the place & people I worked with

Co worker & friend
:: Co worker & friend ::
Would you believe 6 months pg.jpg (755)
Would you believe 6 months pg.jpg (755)
Lunch time at work.jpg(320)
Lunch time at work.jpg(320)
Window reflections.jpg(205)
Window reflections.jpg(205)
Afni  (where I worked).jpg(278)
Afni (where I worked).jpg(278)
From your team to you.jpg(125)
From your team to you.jpg(125)
Happy Birthdat Melissa.jpg(336)
Happy Birthdat Melissa.jpg(336)
7:45 am fog hiding the sun.jpg(379)
7:45 am fog hiding the sun.jpg(379)