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melissa armstrong | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> A photo a day: from March 7th - June 26th, 2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Early morning walk through the park | In Box | Outside the Circle | May 29th, 2012 - | A photo a day: September 29th, 2011 - November 25th | People | Urban Toronto | The Solomon Islands | Orange, Green &or Blue | Black, White and Gray | Jewelry Shoot | Animals in the city | A Haunting Night | Miscellaneous | Winter - Toronto | Contemplative Youth | A photo a day: June 26th, 2011 - September 25th, 2011 | A photo a day: from March 7th - June 26th, 2011 | _______ | A photo a day ... | toronto | lights | flowers

A photo a day: from March 7th - June 26th, 2011

o6/68/601668/1/135877746.bKVC52Xm.kitty.jpg Sun through the clouds
g4/68/601668/3/135848110.sqXC6t8c.jpg g4/68/601668/3/135830849.UHaInAms.jpg
g4/68/601668/3/135803251.qzDjclhc.jpg g4/68/601668/3/135778208.p4FLhkTD.jpg
farm cat g4/68/601668/3/135754168.OkMJsRJy.jpg
Toronto Go Train
sparklers Victoria Day
g4/68/601668/3/134895885.JH4Aubfh.jpg g4/68/601668/3/134687206.b4Go3dZs.jpg
Cranes, as seen from the outskirts of Liberty village under the overpass
shadows dog on a rooftop
reflection in a puddle date
Rain Rain 2
Parkdale rearview underpass
g4/68/601668/3/134105437.9LGtMseV.jpg Making cookies
g4/68/601668/3/133899297.gz5avbUI.jpg dragonfly wings
g4/68/601668/3/133604176.Qh8Pinpl.jpg g4/68/601668/3/133571205.vOVfetht.jpg
Toronto Queen West, Toronto
The epitome of happiness The second day of Spring, Toronto
The men play cards in the community center when it's cold outside orange sippy cup

g4/68/601668/3/133055929.EnvyrdNe.jpg bus shelter
bus shelter 2 Ken
rainy day, the snow is melting