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Green Iguana Conservation Project

Outside the iguana conservation centre
Outside the iguana conservation centre
A couple of buddies hanging out
A couple of buddies hanging out
Orange - male
Orange - male
Ziggy - had a vitamin deficiency and its bones are deformed
Ziggy - had a vitamin deficiency and its bones are deformed
Helping iguanas before being released in the wild
Helping iguanas before being released in the wild
Great to look at up close
Great to look at up close
Loves a little rub on the neck - eyes closed in bliss
Loves a little rub on the neck - eyes closed in bliss
Watching what's going on
Watching what's going on
Climbing on Pete
Climbing on Pete
Heads up onto his shoulder
Heads up onto his shoulder
Climbing on Jackie
Climbing on Jackie
Comes right up to say hello
Comes right up to say hello
Quite happy hanging out
Quite happy hanging out
Do you want some food?
Do you want some food?
Baby - less than a year old
Baby - less than a year old
Cute - eh?
Cute - eh?