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Peter & Jackie Main | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Peter & Jackie Main
Name Peter & Jackie Main (joined 30-Aug-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username mr2c280
Location Essex, England
Essex, England
View Galleries : Peter & Jackie Main has 402 galleries and 14126 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 9532094 times.

View Guestbook : 135 messages. Most recent on 08-Sep-2024.

Message from Peter & Jackie Main
You are more than welcome to use any of our photos for any purpose you like. As we are not professional photographers, we do not expect any form of compensation. We are just happy that so many people from around the world are able to enjoy and make use of our photos. You do not need to ask for permission. It would, however, be nice to hear from you and find out how our pictures are being used -- send us an email.

To reduce our Pbase disk usage we have deleted the original photos so only the 800x600 (0.5 megapixel - about 75KB) 'Large' version remains. If you want a high resolution copy, send us an email and we'll email you the original photo.

Thanks for visiting,

Peter & Jackie, London, England
Peter is from Toronto Jackie is from Glasgow We live in London
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