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Peter & Jackie Main | profile | all galleries >> World Galleries >> North & Central America >> Belize >> Rio Frio Cave and Rio On Pools tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Rio Frio Cave and Rio On Pools

Rio Frio Cave mouth
Rio Frio Cave mouth
Note the person in the foreground
Note the person in the foreground
Looking down to the river and Pete
Looking down to the river and Pete
Cave mouth
Cave mouth
The cave entrance
The cave entrance
The rear exit
The rear exit
or the back passage :-)
or the "back passage" :-)
Pool and beach in the cave
Pool and beach in the cave
Stalactites from the roof
Stalactites from the roof
Jackie thinks she sees a face
Jackie thinks she sees a face
Rio On swimming pools
Rio On swimming pools
Peter sucking in his gut
Peter sucking in his gut
Jackie chilling
Jackie chilling
Looking down river
Looking down river
People cooling down in the heat
People cooling down in the heat
Smooth granite
Smooth granite