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Peter & Jackie Main | profile | all galleries >> World Galleries >> North & Central America >> Belize >> Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave

Cameras are banned from the cave due to incidents of breakage of ancient artifacts by clumsy tourists. These photos were provided by the tour company.
Roaring Creek - the water was higher, as Jackie had to swim it
Roaring Creek - the water was higher, as Jackie had to swim it
Cave entrance
Cave entrance
A short swim into the cave mouth
A short swim into the cave mouth
Wade into the darkness
Wade into the darkness
Up river
Up river
Sparkling crystals
Sparkling crystals
Wet feet all day
Wet feet all day
Some tight squeezes
Some tight squeezes
Wet and dry
Wet and dry
Climb up to the dry area - although these guys are coming down
Climb up to the dry area - although these guys are coming down
Walking in our socks to protect the artifacts
Walking in our socks to protect the artifacts
Ancient pottery used in Maya ceremonies
Ancient pottery used in Maya ceremonies
Deliberately smashed by the Shamans, so as not to torment the gods
Deliberately smashed by the Shamans, so as not to torment the gods
Interesting formations
Interesting formations
Fossilised skull
Fossilised skull
Huge dry chamber - many unexcavated skeletons and artifacts
Huge dry chamber - many unexcavated skeletons and artifacts
Maya ceremonial pot
Maya ceremonial pot
Full skeleton
Full skeleton
We didn't see a tapir
We didn't see a tapir