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Chris Spracklen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Best of Somerset > Furrows (5169)
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Chris Spracklen

Furrows (5169)

South Cadbury, Somerset

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Chris Morton26-May-2015 20:51
great precision in both ploughing and photographing - can't help wondering how you got up there! Balloon
marita toftgard28-Apr-2015 07:36
Great work! V
Buba Jafarli10-Dec-2014 19:28
Really wonderful patterns! V.
bill friedlander22-Sep-2014 23:26
Amazing graphical patterns to please the eye.Awesome shot! V
Doug Cruden04-Feb-2009 12:06
Oh yes! I love shots like these, and just wish I could be in the right place at the right time, as you were here! A fantastic natural abstracty-geometric composition, all flowing shapes & lines, fluid in movement and visual appeal....beautifully captured and presented. V
poetry66615-Apr-2008 23:33
Terrific comp, Chris.V.
Milan Vogrin08-Sep-2007 12:51
Great compositon!
Anna Pagnacco24-Jan-2007 23:29
Excellent natural abstract, light and texture are wonderful....( V ) Anna
Pierre Schneider23-Sep-2006 12:01
Top shot !
marie-jose wolff02-Sep-2006 14:27
wonderful !
agonus 23-Aug-2005 11:02
great abstracted lanscape
Jal10-May-2005 21:54
Simply fantastic!
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