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Dan | profile | all galleries >> Travel Galleries >> Baja California - 4/2015 >> Baja CA #4 - Isla Rasa to La Paz tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Baja CA #4 - Isla Rasa to La Paz

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Leaving Isla San Esteban (#1), we cruise around Isla Rasa (#2)
to view its sea life. We see a pod of fin whales off Isla Angel de la
Guada (#3) and visit the unusual boojum trees on Bahai de los
Angeles (#4). We see a storm near Isla San Pedro Martir (#5),
and more animals there and Isla San Francisco (#6).
Finally, we return to La Paz (#7) for our trip home.

Click on the first thumbnail image below to begin.

A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
A Cruise Around the Island
Tough Terrain
Tough Terrain
Sea Life
Sea Life
Sea Life
Sea Life
Whale Watch
Whale Watch
Fin Whales
Fin Whales
Fin Whales
Fin Whales
The Boojum Trees
The Boojum Trees
A Hard Hit Town
A Hard Hit Town
A Hard Hit Town
A Hard Hit Town
The Boojum Trees
The Boojum Trees
The Boojum Trees
The Boojum Trees
The Boojum Trees
The Boojum Trees
The Boojum Trees
The Boojum Trees
A Cactus Flower
A Cactus Flower
An Early Morning Storm
An Early Morning Storm
An Early Morning Storm
An Early Morning Storm
More Animals
More Animals
More Animals
More Animals
A Penal Colony
A Penal Colony
More Animals
More Animals
More Animals
More Animals
More Animals
More Animals
Morning Clouds
Morning Clouds
The NatGeo Staff
The NatGeo Staff
One Last Stop
One Last Stop
One Last Stop
One Last Stop
Going Home
Going Home