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Mohamed Mahmoud | all galleries >> Galleries >> Keep.... > eating habits.jpg
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eating habits.jpg

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/800s f/2.8 at 200.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Simon Chandler09-Apr-2014 20:15
Excellent capture of this cute subject. v
Blandine Mangin25-Nov-2013 11:11
lovely ! v
woody3425-Nov-2013 04:17
Great creative shot with your advice.Yes I had heard they graze all day...V
Raymond Ma25-Nov-2013 02:34
Yes that is certainly good advice...or you can nibble all day long. V
Kim24-Nov-2013 20:38
Lovely work Mohamed! BV
Sam Rua24-Nov-2013 19:56
Very creative and well done, Mohamed.
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