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Lionel Yearwood | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> U.S. Army Museum of Hawaii, Battery Randolph, Fort Derussy, Honolulu tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

U.S. Army Museum of Hawaii, Battery Randolph, Fort Derussy, Honolulu

U.S. Army Museum of Hawaii Mission Statement:
Collect, preserve, exhibit, and interpret artifacts that reflect the history of the U.S. Army in Hawaii and the Pacific area, the military history of Hawaii,
and the contributions made by Hawaii and Hawaii's citizens to the nation's defense.
As an educational institution, the museum supports training and education for the military and civilians.
At the U.S. Army Museum, Hawaii, the biggest artifact is the building itself. The museum is housed at Battery Randolph,
a massive reinforced concrete emplacement with roofs and walls as much as 12 feet thick.
The battery was built around 1911 for two 14 inch guns that could fire projectiles as far as 14 miles.
At the end of WW II the giant guns were cut up for scrap. When the Army tried to demolish it in 1969,
Battery Randolph shattered wrecking balls and bankrupted demolition contractors.
The Army gave up and established the U.S . Army Museum of Hawaii in what was left of the structure. There is no charge to visit this beautiful museum.

What to do with a building that refuses to fall?  Turn it into a Museum.
What to do with a building that refuses to fall? Turn it into a Museum.
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Battery Randolph Fort Derussy Army Museum
Battery Randolph Fort Derussy Army Museum
Battery Randolph Fort Derussy Army Museum
Museum Entrance
Museum Entrance
g9/83/331983/3/160089284.jnH3haXV.jpg Memorial to Fallen War Heroes
Memorial to Fallen War Heroes
Memorial to Fallen War Heroes Plaque (enlarged)
Memorial to Fallen War Heroes Plaque (enlarged)
Memorial to Fallen War Heroes
Memorial to Fallen War Heroes
AH-1 Cobra Helicopter
AH-1 Cobra Helicopter
7 inch gun.  Original gun at this site was a 14 inch gun
7 inch gun. Original gun at this site was a 14 inch gun
g9/83/331983/3/161736652.NqBm5RKz.jpg g9/83/331983/3/161736654.SdQXGA2B.jpg Gun breech
Gun breech
g4/83/331983/3/137485156.fCO0Zrm1.jpg g4/83/331983/3/137485157.sfZkBo1q.jpg Stabilizer section of downed Japanese attack plane
Stabilizer section of downed Japanese attack plane
Minor Japanese losses in the   Pearl Harbor Attack
Minor Japanese losses in the Pearl Harbor Attack
Piece of wreckage of crashed plane
Piece of wreckage of crashed plane
Monarchy Cannon
Monarchy Cannon
Monarchy Cannon
Monarchy Cannon
Pill-Box Prefabricated
Pill-Box Prefabricated
Pill-Box  Prefabricated
Pill-Box Prefabricated
Japanese Light Tank
Japanese Light Tank
Japanese Light Tank
Japanese Light Tank
Japanese Light Tank
Japanese Light Tank
U.S. Light Tank M24
U.S. Light Tank M24
U.S. Light Tank M24
U.S. Light Tank M24
U.S. Light Tank M24
U.S. Light Tank M24
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
Captured Japanese WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons- Grease Gun
U.S. Military WW II Weapons- Grease Gun
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
U.S. Military WW II Weapons
Gotta Match?  Remember the Flame Throwers the U.S. used during the WW II Pacific war?
Gotta Match? Remember the Flame Throwers the U.S. used during the WW II Pacific war?
g9/83/331983/3/157717636.29jrLWGW.jpg Spoils captured in combat
"Spoils" captured in combat
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g9/83/331983/3/157717284.CbvbUj86.jpg Home Coming  Hero from the war
Home Coming Hero from the war