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This was taken from an interesting comparison from the site ''. The same RAW file was demosaiced in both ACR and the native Sony RAW converter where it was obvious that the Sony conversion retained more 'apparent detail'.
My take was that it was more an acutance dissimilarity and not true detail/resolution loss that made the ACR look softer; which it did BTW.
This is my attempt to normalize the two images where I only altered the original ACR image, thus AFTER the conversion.
I've quickly tweaked, using color balance in the highlights and brightness/contrast in PS and structure in, of all things, Snapseed. Gotta' love it.
The main issue at this point is MY methodology and the very subjective compromises I used to determine where the two will look most similar. While they are still not the same,
I think most people will think that they are much closer even though the nature of the granular noise is different. The color is still off and changes to that tend to affect contrast which in turn affects our sense of sharpness.

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