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Spring has Sprung

Spring of 2012 has arrived and here are some recent additions. We have seven bluebird boxes on our 'old farm property'. This particular box is the one that gets the most use.
I'm experimenting with the 'tools' I've purchased over the last four years to see which results I like best - D700, D800, or DigiScoped with Leica spotting scope and point-and-shoot camera. There is something about a Leica.
Eastern Bluebird (Female)
Eastern Bluebird (Female)
Eastern Bluebird (Female)
Eastern Bluebird (Female)
Eastern Bluebird (Female)
Eastern Bluebird (Female)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebird (Male)
Eastern Bluebirds (Females)
Eastern Bluebirds (Females)
Eastern Bluebirds (Females)
Eastern Bluebirds (Females)
Eastern Bluebirds (Females)
Eastern Bluebirds (Females)
Eastern Bluebirds (Females)
Eastern Bluebirds (Females)