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Missed Opportunities | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spring has Sprung > Eastern Bluebirds (Females)
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13-Mar-2012 Donald E. Casavecchia

Eastern Bluebirds (Females)

Warrenton, Virginia

These two "Ladies" spent the morning fighting over this nesting box. We have nine boxes widely separated over fifteen acres.
Best viewed in 'original' size.

Leica D-Lux 4 - APO Televid 82mm Scope,DC Vario-Summicron 1:2.0-2.8/5.1-12.8 ASPH
1/60s f/2.5 at 7.4mm iso80
Cropped 3x4" Landscape and Reduced to 150 dpi for Internet Viewing full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 03-Apr-2012 22:20
Looks like they are looking for a new home! Guess the market is moving on in Northern Va. Sherry
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