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Nikon 1 V3 - Leica X2

Each of these images is 'linked' from my 'base' galleries.
New mirrorless cameras advertised to perform like D-SLRs in a smaller form factor.
Intend to compare the Nikon 1 V3 (1 Nikkor VR 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6 PD-Zoom) against the Leica X2 (Elmarit 24 mm f/2.8 ASPH).
A professional photographer might not agree that these two cameras (in their out-of-box configurations) lend themselves to a comparison.
I use Nikon's Capture NX 2 as final editor for resizing images. Because I shoot RAW with both cameras, I use PSE Ver 10 for the .DNG file.
The first pair of images is a random early image while I was learning the manual controls of the camera.
This second pair of images tells me that I need to zoom in to @24mm with the V3 for comparison purposes.
The third pair of images is of the same snake, but from slightly different tripod settings.
I will be adding new pairs of images taken of exact same subjects for better comparisons.
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