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Missed Opportunities | all galleries >> Galleries >> Nikon 1 V3 - Leica X2 > Resident Rat Snake
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16-May-2014 Donald E. Casavecchia

Resident Rat Snake

Warrenton, Virginia

Mother Nature isn't always fair.
Same snake as previous image, but with different 'point-and-shoot' camera.
Best viewed in 'original' size.

NIKON 1 V3 on Leica 82mm Spotting Scope,1 Nikkor VR 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6 PD-Zoom
1/250s f/5.3 at 25.2mm iso200
UnCropped Image Reduced to 100 ppi for Internet Viewing full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
John Reynolds LRPS25-Jan-2019 19:21
Great image - well timed. V.
Bob Snyder03-Nov-2016 13:09
A good use for mirrorless format: digital-scoping; works well
PiJoly26-Jan-2016 13:27
Lieve Snellings23-May-2014 00:51
wow this is amazing... V
Hank Vander Velde21-May-2014 23:10
Terrific shot of the snake coming out of the nesting cavity.
Tom Munson20-May-2014 23:34
Great find and awesome image.
Pierre Martin20-May-2014 19:29
beautiful shot!
Martin Lamoon20-May-2014 18:39
Fantastic photograph of the snake emerging.
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