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Missed Opportunities | profile | all galleries >> Places >> West Virginia >> Canaan Valley & Vicinity tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Canaan Valley & Vicinity

West Virginia's mountains aren't that high, but they sure are beautiful, especially Canaan Valley!
Birding in West Virginia
Birding in West Virginia
Mountain Ash
Mountain Ash
Canaan Valley's Spruce Island Lake
Canaan Valley's Spruce Island Lake
Natural Spring - Canaan Valley, WVa.
Natural Spring - Canaan Valley, WVa.
Lonesome Tree
"Lonesome Tree"
Looking Southwest from Cabin Mountain
Looking Southwest from Cabin Mountain
Whitetail Deer under Hawthorn Tree
Whitetail Deer under Hawthorn Tree
Long Hard Winter
"Long Hard Winter"
West Virginia Whitetail
West Virginia Whitetail
West Virginia Whitetail Fawn
West Virginia Whitetail Fawn
Buck being bothered by Common Flys
Buck being bothered by Common Flys
Mr. Wood Chuck!
Mr. Wood Chuck!
Snapping Turtle
Snapping Turtle
View from Cabin Mountain
View from Cabin Mountain
Blowing in the Wind
"Blowing in the Wind"
Young Whitetail Deer
Young Whitetail Deer
Whitetail Deer (Doe)
Whitetail Deer (Doe)
Virginia Ctenucha Moth
Virginia Ctenucha Moth
Virginia Ctenucha Moth
Virginia Ctenucha Moth
Great Spangled Fritillary Butterfly
Great Spangled Fritillary Butterfly
Two Turkeys
"Two Turkeys"
West Virginia Cabin
West Virginia Cabin
1st Snow, 2009 - on Cabin Mt.
1st Snow, 2009 - on Cabin Mt.
Two Turkeys - West Virginia Cabin
"Two Turkeys" - West Virginia Cabin
Two Turkeys - West Virginia Cabin
"Two Turkeys" - West Virginia Cabin
Winter Sunset
"Winter Sunset"
Cabin Mountain Whitetail Deer
Cabin Mountain Whitetail Deer
Looking for Anything Eatable
Looking for Anything Eatable
The Jersey Girls
"The Jersey Girls"
Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Falls
Red Admiral
Red Admiral
Blackwater River - Canaan Valley
Blackwater River - Canaan Valley
Valley Local Color - Early Morning Fog
Valley Local Color - Early Morning Fog
Jeremiah was a Bullfrog
"Jeremiah was a Bullfrog"
Sunrise in Canaan Valley
Sunrise in Canaan Valley
Sunrise in Canaan Valley
Sunrise in Canaan Valley
View East from Spruce Knob
View East from Spruce Knob
Snapping Turtle
Snapping Turtle
Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Wild Elderberry
Wild Elderberry
Canaan Valley Floor - 3,200' Elevation
Canaan Valley Floor - 3,200' Elevation
Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Falls
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly (Male)
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly (Male)
Snowberry Clearwing Moth
Snowberry Clearwing Moth
Turk's Cap Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Virginia Meadow Beauty
Virginia Meadow Beauty
Blackwater River Vista
Blackwater River Vista
Clearwing Moth
Clearwing Moth
Clearwing Moth
Clearwing Moth
Red Squirrel (Male)
Red Squirrel (Male)
Red Squirrel (Female)
Red Squirrel (Female)
Top of Stuart Memorial Drive - Observation Tower
Top of Stuart Memorial Drive - Observation Tower
Top of Stuart Memorial Drive
Top of Stuart Memorial Drive
Cabin Mountain Fall Colors
Cabin Mountain Fall Colors
Maple Leaves
Maple Leaves
Fresh Snow
Fresh Snow
West Virginia Home
West Virginia Home
West Virginia Home
West Virginia Home
West Virginia Home
West Virginia Home
Freshly Fallen Snow on this West Virginia home
Freshly Fallen Snow on this West Virginia home
Common Blue Damselfly
Common Blue Damselfly
Common Blue Damselfly
Common Blue Damselfly
SouthEast Canaan Valley Floor
SouthEast Canaan Valley Floor
North End of Canaan Valley
North End of Canaan Valley
Southwest view of Canaan Valley
Southwest view of Canaan Valley
Blackwater Valley below Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Valley below Blackwater Falls
Sand Run Lake - Timberline
Sand Run Lake - Timberline
Mountain Ash Berries
Mountain Ash Berries
Fall Beech Trees (off our back porch)
Fall Beech Trees (off our back porch)
Fall Beech Trees (off our back porch)
Fall Beech Trees (off our back porch)
Spring Lushness in the Valley
Spring Lushness in the Valley
May Fern Growth at 4000' Elevation
May Fern Growth at 4000' Elevation
Seneca Rocks: Panorama View from
Seneca Rocks: Panorama View from
Canaan Valley
Canaan Valley
Creek and River Meet
Creek and River Meet
Large Brightly Colored Skipper
Large Brightly Colored Skipper
Pink Lady Slipper
Pink Lady Slipper
Beautiful Trillium
Beautiful Trillium
Red Admiral Butterfly
Red Admiral Butterfly
Canaan Valley's Eagle Pair
Canaan Valley's Eagle Pair
Timberline in Canaan Valley
Timberline in Canaan Valley
Spear-marked Black Moth
Spear-marked Black Moth
Spear-marked Black Moth
Spear-marked Black Moth
Evening Primrose
Evening Primrose
Bee Balm
Bee Balm
White-tail Fawn
White-tail Fawn
Indian Pipe
Indian Pipe
Eastern Black Swallowtail
Eastern Black Swallowtail
Little Brown Bat
Little Brown Bat
Little Brown Bat
Little Brown Bat
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
Canaan Valley
Canaan Valley
Canaan Valley
Canaan Valley
Canaan Valley Early Fall
Canaan Valley Early Fall
Fall Walk
Fall Walk
Butterfly ( ? or , )
Butterfly ( ? or , )
Question Mark Butterfly
Question Mark Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly
American Copper Butterfly
American Copper Butterfly
American Copper Butterfly
American Copper Butterfly
American Copper Butterful
American Copper Butterful
Off the Front Porch
Off the Front Porch
Off the Back Deck
Off the Back Deck
Looking East at Sand Run
Looking East at Sand Run
Two Turkeys
"Two Turkeys"
Colten in Canaan Valley
Colten in Canaan Valley
Mountain Chorus Frog
Mountain Chorus Frog
Mountain Chorus Frog
Mountain Chorus Frog
Great Spangled Fritillary Butterflies
Great Spangled Fritillary Butterflies
Painted Lady Butterfly
Painted Lady Butterfly
Blackwater Falls
Blackwater Falls
Dark-eyed Junco (Immature)
Dark-eyed Junco (Immature)
Dark-eyed Junco (Immature)
Dark-eyed Junco (Immature)
Blue crayfish (Cambarus monongalensis)
Blue crayfish (Cambarus monongalensis)
Blue crayfish (Cambarus monongalensis)
Blue crayfish (Cambarus monongalensis)
Spruce Island Lake (Impoundment)
Spruce Island Lake (Impoundment)
Sand Run Lake (Impoundment)
Sand Run Lake (Impoundment)
American Beaver
American Beaver
American Beaver
American Beaver
Snowberry Clearwing Moth
Snowberry Clearwing Moth
Male Monarch Butterfly
Male Monarch Butterfly
Dark-eyed Junco (Immature)
Dark-eyed Junco (Immature)
Male Black-throated Green Warbler
Male Black-throated Green Warbler
LeConte's Haploa Moth
LeConte's Haploa Moth
LeConte's Haploa Moth
LeConte's Haploa Moth
Dark-eyed Junco (Immature)
Dark-eyed Junco (Immature)
Canaan Valley in Fall Colors
Canaan Valley in Fall Colors
'Hiking Party'
'Hiking Party'
'The Trail Ahead'
'The Trail Ahead'
Sand Run Lake (Impoundment)
Sand Run Lake (Impoundment)
Spruce Island Lake (Impoundment)
Spruce Island Lake (Impoundment)
Labor of Love
"Labor of Love"
Dark-eyed Junco
Dark-eyed Junco
Two Turkeys
Two Turkeys
Confused Eusarca
Confused Eusarca
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Hiking Group
Hiking Group
Aspen Tree
Aspen Tree
Aspen Trees
Aspen Trees
Carol - top of Cabin Mountain
Carol - top of Cabin Mountain
New Back Deck
New Back Deck
New Steps
New Steps
Freshly Stained
Freshly Stained
Overnight Dusting
Overnight Dusting
Carol & HerShe
Carol & HerShe
Harman Trail
Harman Trail
Bull Frog Tadpoles
Bull Frog Tadpoles
Field Sparrow (Immature)
Field Sparrow (Immature)
Northern Pearly-eye Butterfly
Northern Pearly-eye Butterfly
Off the Front Porch
Off the Front Porch
Off the Front Porch
Off the Front Porch
Black-throated Green Warbler (Female)
Black-throated Green Warbler (Female)
Aphrodite Fratillary & Virginia Ctenucha Moth
Aphrodite Fratillary & Virginia Ctenucha Moth
Queen of the Prairie - Filipendula rubra
Queen of the Prairie - Filipendula rubra
Clearwing Moth
Clearwing Moth
Clearwing Moth
Clearwing Moth
Timberline Mountain
Timberline Mountain
Almost Peak
Almost Peak
Almost Peak
Almost Peak
Canaan Valley
Canaan Valley
Cabin Mountain Blueberries
Cabin Mountain Blueberries
Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Eastern Meadowlark - singing male
Eastern Meadowlark - singing male
Eastern Meadowlark - singing male
Eastern Meadowlark - singing male
Emergency Exit
Emergency Exit
Black Swallowtail
Black Swallowtail
A species of Clematis
A species of Clematis
Bald Knob Trail
Bald Knob Trail
Bald Knob Trail
Bald Knob Trail
Bigtooth Aspen
Bigtooth Aspen
Carol Resting
Carol Resting
Canada Goose
Canada Goose
Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum)
Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum)
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
Timberline Mountain
Timberline Mountain
Timberline Mountain
Timberline Mountain
Canaan Valley-Early Winter
Canaan Valley-Early Winter
Got Snow!
Got Snow!
Looking COLD!
Looking COLD!